Newton News
Organic Grocer: Merchant the Third
The Organic Grocer began at the historical Surrey Public Market 22 years ago. The Surrey Public Market opened up in 1990 at 64th Ave and King George Hwy (now BLVD), co-owners Deb and Garth chose this location to open the Organic Grocer in 1993 to provide organic food and herbal medicine to the people of Surrey. Deb and Garth both have a long history working within the organics sector and have served on many boards...
DeSerres: Merchant the Second
DeSerres opened In Montreal in 1908. With a history of over 100 years in Canada, today the store can be found as an arts and craft store with locations across the country. And continues to be proudly owned by the DeSerres family. DeSerres opened their Newton location over 2 years ago. We spoke with current Store Manager, David Saito and asked why Newton was the choice for a new location, “We decided to open a...
danceCraft: Merchant the First
Becoming involved within the dancewear business was natural for Melanie, she had been designing costumes for her daughter and for productions for years. When she came upon DanceCraft and saw the “help wanted” sign, it was a no-brainer for her to apply. She began working there for the previous owner about 20 years ago, but as time went on the owner was ready for retirement and to shut down the store. However, Melanie’s passion could...
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