Providing Affordable, Culturally Rich Housing for Indigenous Communities



In a world where housing affordability is an ever-growing concern, the Kekinow Native Housing Society stands as a beacon of hope for Indigenous individuals seeking safe and affordable housing options. This not-for-profit organization, deeply committed to its mission, has been diligently working to provide subsidized, long-term rental accommodation to people of Indigenous ancestry. Kekinow Native Housing Society’s dedication to upholding the values of Indigenous cultures while offering a secure and nurturing environment has made it a vital institution in the communities it serves.


At its core, Kekinow Native Housing Society is driven by the belief that everyone, regardless of their background, deserves access to safe and affordable housing. This mission takes on an even greater significance for Indigenous people due to historical injustices, systemic discrimination, and economic disparities that have disproportionately affected their access to housing. Recognizing this pressing need, the organization has emerged as a crucial source of support and stability for Indigenous individuals and families.


The foundation of Kekinow Native Housing Society‘s work is rooted in the deeply held values that reflect the traditional cultures of its diverse Indigenous ancestry. Central to its ethos is the belief that housing is more than just shelter; it is an essential component of holistic well-being. As such, the organization is committed to fostering human life’s physical, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual elements within the context of its housing initiatives.


This commitment to holistic well-being is exemplified in every aspect of the organization’s operations. From tenant relationships to staff interactions and community engagement, Kekinow Native Housing Society’s values are the guiding principles that shape its approach to affordable housing.


One of the fundamental principles is the unwavering commitment to treating all tenants, applicants, and volunteers with the utmost dignity and respect. This approach acknowledges every individual’s inherent worth and value, fostering a sense of belonging and community within the housing complexes. This commitment is not just a policy but a reflection of the deep respect for Indigenous teachings on the importance of interpersonal relationships.


Integrity, honesty, and transparency are equally paramount to the organization. Kekinow Native Housing Society understands that accountability to the community is a cornerstone of trust. By acting with unwavering integrity and being transparent in its operations, the organization demonstrates its commitment to providing housing and being a responsible and accountable steward of its entrusted resources.


Moreover, the organization’s dedication to demonstrating care and compassion for its tenants is a testament to its commitment to holistic well-being. A proposal is underway to build an Indigenous Wellness Centre in Surrey. This care extends beyond the physical aspects of housing to encompass its residents’ emotional and social needs. It’s about creating an environment where individuals feel supported, heard, and valued. Importantly, this care is delivered without compromising the fair and consistent application of social policies and rules, ensuring equity and justice for all residents.


Kekinow Native Housing Society‘s work transcends the mere provision of housing; it is a lifeline for Indigenous communities seeking affordable and culturally rich housing options. With a steadfast commitment to Indigenous values, dignity, integrity, and compassion, the organization stands as a beacon of hope, empowering individuals to thrive within a supportive and nurturing community. As the need for affordable housing grows, Kekinow Native Housing Society remains dedicated to its mission, working tirelessly to bridge the gap and provide a brighter, more secure future for Indigenous individuals and families


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