Newton BIA invites, welcomes new businesses for a great new year

Great things are happening in the downtown Newton core area.
New businesses continue to pop up all over the area, and we’re meeting some great families who have chosen this area to work, play, live and thrive here! It’s a true testimony to the active efforts of the business improvement teams, such as Team Tidy, the Universal Graffiti program, laneway murals, and shopping card retrievals.
The Community Safety Patrol (CSP) program is the BIA’s largest safety initiative. The program is contracted through the Commissionaires, a security force taking on non-core police duties, this allows for local RCMP to take on more critical issues.
The CSP program consists of daily 8-hour patrols by two employees. Their daily patrols around the Newton BIA boundary focus on businesses and citizens addressing safety concerns, using visible presence as a crime deterrent, and supporting crime reduction initiatives within the Town Centre. CSP works in collaboration with RCMP, Surrey By-Law, and Surrey Crime Prevention to achieve the goal of creating a safer Newton Town Centre for all.
Newton is the true heart of Surrey, holding the highest population from any other district, and physically in the centre of its vast borders. Most of the businesses in the catchment area of the BIA are small family-owned and run, which makes it stand out from other regions that have more commercial and large retail businesses.
Over the years, we’ve been able to meet and become acquainted with our neighbours, learning from them, discovering their own stories, and their connections to Newton. In turn, many of them have become involved in events and promotions, which further enhance the positive energy of the area.

If you have opened a business in the last year, please stop in to our offices, or give us a call. We’d love to learn more about you, and let you know how the Newton BIA can be an important resource as you grow your business in 2022.
We support our local businesses and property owners by overseeing the improvement, beautification and maintenance of the public spaces within the BIA boundary. In the past, we have hosted events and festivals that attract visitors to the downtown core, by unifying the voice of the membership and presenting it to all levels of government, and by marketing the area to draw additional positive attention and interest from the public, we make downtown Newton the place you want to do business.
As we near year three of the pandemic, our team at the Newton BIA will continue to work tirelessly, and we remain grateful for the support of our community, our neighbours, our government, health system, and local businesses. Please continue to do your part by following the guidance of medical experts and public health officials on vaccination, masking, and physical and social distancing.
We thank you for your ongoing support and wish you all a safe and healthy 2022.
The Newton News provides an opportunity for the Newton BIA to gain awareness in the community and promote local news, & BIA programs. This endeavor allows BIA members to advertise their businesses in the monthly publication. Pick up your copy of the Surrey Now-Leader today!