Add your business!

Use this form to add a business to the Newton BIA directory. Please note: Each submission will be reviewed by the BIA prior to publishing on the site. Please contact if you do not see your business listed within two weeks of submission.

Submit Your Business

Add a business to the directory
  • Please add the name of your company.
  • Please add the website for your company.
  • Please add a phone number for your company, ideally someone the Newton BIA could contact for additional details.
  • Please provide at least one photo of your business. This could be the logo, a photo of your staff, your products, or your store. The photo must be either a .png or .jpg file.
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Please provide the street number for your business.
  • Please provide the street name for your business.
  • Please provide the city for your business.
  • Please provide the postal for your business. This is required.
  • Please include a full address. We will use this information to plot your business on a map.
  • Please add the full URL to your company's Facebook page (include the http://)
  • Please add the full URL to your company's Twitter page (include the http://)
  • Please add the full URL to your company's Instagram page (include the http://)